Yesterday, I completed the Introduction to Sociology course on This is my first completed step in this new journey. 3 ACE credits: done.

Overall the course was okay. The content was very surface level, as you would expect with any intro course. A lot of the people, terms, and concepts I was already familiar with. There was a bit that was new, so I did learn something.
I had some issues juggling my time, and ended up needing to take an extension. The course gives you 60 days by default, but I ended up taking 90. In reality, I needed nowhere near that much time; I had weeks and weeks of inactivity. The vast majority of my coursework happened in the last week. I’ve learned some dos and don’ts for the next course I take on how I structure my time.
My actual process for doing the work seemed to consistently work out. Read a section while taking notes; take the test; move on. I finished with a 97%, which means I averaged around one wrong answer per exam (or Milestone, as they are called on Sophia).
Here are all of my notes. They are raw and rough, but they worked for me.